Automated calorimetric system
Fully automated isothermal calorimeter PEAQ-ITC Automated with ultrasmall working cell (200 µl). ITC method is used for the characterization of biomolecular interactions of small molecules, proteins, antibodies, nucleic acids, lipids, and others. Enzyme kinetics, biological activity, or the effect of molecular structure changes on binding mechanisms can be also assessed. Complete thermodynamic profile of the molecular interaction in a single experiment (stoichiometry, Ka, ∆H and ∆S values) or kinetics parameters Km and kcat can be determined.
PEAQ-ITC Automated is designed to measure the heat of binding. In a typical arrangement, the titrant, also referred to the ligand, is injected into the sample cell containing the macromolecule sample material. The calorimetric measurement can be done over a range of biologically relevant conditions (temperature, salt, pH, etc.). ITC system directly measures submilimolar to nanomolar binding constants (10^3 - 10^9 M-1). Measurement of the interactions with nanomolar to picomolar binding constants (10^9-10^12 M-1) can be measured using the competitive binding technique, the same principle can be used for low affinity interactions (10^3-10^2 M-1). The operating temperature range is from 2°C to 80°C.
Measurement at PEAQ-ITC Automated is performed exclusively by core facility staff.
Available services:
Calorimetric titration + raw data
Calorimetric titration + expert data evaluation
Calorimetric titration + expert data evaluation + data evaluation training
For more details, please contact the responsible person:
Jitka Holková
e-mail: jitka.holkova@ceitec.cz
phone: +420 549 49 25 27
office: 3.39/C04