Booking system
Since the beginning of 2018 we are fully operational via booking system.
We would like to ask all of you to use it. Below, you can download our booking guide - it should help you with registration and planning board set-up.
If you have any issues or questions regarding the booking system (concerning Core Facility Biomolecular Interactions and Crystallography booking system), please contact Jitka Holková (jitka.holkova@ceitec.muni.cz).
New booking table has been released on 7th December 2020. User manual is available for downloading.
Booking system
Direct access for registered users to the booking system.
Initial training for instruments in user mode:
Training is obligatory for user who wants to use instruments in "user mode" (operated by user him/her-self).
This includes Biacore T200 (SPR), multichannel SPR imaging system, Octet RED96e (BLI), DelsaMax Core (DLS), SpectroLight 600 (DLS), Jasco J-815 (CD), VP-ITC, VP-DSC, Monolith NT.115 (MST), Monolith NT.115 Pico (MST), Prometheus (DSF), microdeposition system for biosensor arrays and gradient incubator for optimizing crystallization temperature (TG-40).
Training is performed by CF BIC staff - responsible person for each instrument. Without this training users cannot operated the instruments on their own.
Please inform the staff that you are untrained user and schedule the training.