Operation of CF BIC during winter 2024/2025
11. 12. 2024
Due to the reduced number of CF staff on site at the end of the year and block courses in January, there will be limited availability of BIC services including trainings of new users. Please, contact the responsible person well in advance.
Instruments in user mode shall be available for trained users until 18.12.2024.
See the table below for more details.
In case of any questions, contact us via email (bic@ceitec.cz).
Mass Photometry with MassFluidix system installed
We are very happy to announce the newest addition to the CF BIC portfolio: the Mass Photometer TwoMP with the Fluidics add-on.
Mass photometry is a cutting-edge method for analyzing molecules, enabling accurate mass measurements of single molecules in solution, in their native state, and without the need for labels.
The MassFluidix add-on extends the sample concentration range from nanomolar to micromolar, allowing for applications such as the characterization of low-affinity interactions.
Fluorolog QM installed
Today, we installed a new fluorescence measurement system FLUOROLOG QM (Horiba) that offers advanced capabilities. The instrument allows us to measure both fluorescence anisotropy and time-resolved single-photon counting. Additionally, all measurements can be conducted under precise temperature-controlled conditions, ensuring accuracy and consistency in experimental results.

Chirascan V100 installed
13. 9. 2024
Today, we installed a new equipment for circular dichroism: Chirascan V100, replacing the old Jasco J-815. The Chirascan V100 offers higher sensitivity and an improved signal-to-noise ratio, better accommodating the measurement of biomolecules
After the testing of the operation methods and thorough training of CF BIC staff, the measurement will become available to our users.
For more details on instrument usage, please contact our core facility.
Chemiluminescence and Epifluorescence Workshop: Demonstration of documentation system IRIS
27. 5. 2024
On 19th June 2024, in collaboration with BARIA company, we are organizing a short workshop focused on chemiluminescence and epifluorescence imaging of gels and membranes. The lecture will be followed by an on-site presentation of the documentation system IRIS. If you are interested in attending, please register HERE.
Operation of CF BIC during winter 2023/2024
4. 12. 2023
Due to the reduced number of CF staff on site at the end of the year and block courses in January, there will be limited availability of BIC services including trainings of new users. Please, contact the responsible person well in advance.
Instruments in user mode shall be available for trained users until 21.12.2023.
See the table below for more details.
In case of any questions, contact us via email (bic@ceitec.cz).
Core Facilities Day - CF BIC presentation
30. 11. 2023
On the last Core Facilities Day on Nov 1st 2023, we heard a lot of information from all CEITEC MU facilities as well as other resources at UKB campus. The presentation of CF BIC with the summary of last year's performance as well as news for the near future can be accessed HERE (only MU users, login required).
Core Facilities Day
20. 10. 2023
On Nov 1st 2023, there will be a next Core Facilities Day organized at CEITEC MU. Facilities from CEITEC MU, as well as from Recetox and CZECRIN will be presenting their development over the last year. The event will be in hybrid form so you can join from your home/office as well. For more details, go to the CF Day web page.
User survey
10. 5. 2023
CEITEC Core Facilities are kindly asking their users to fill in the User survey so that we find out more about your experience and opinions on facilities' performance. Please visit the survey's web page to answer and help us improve our services.
CalScreener demo
13. 4. 2023
After the Symcel workshop, the calorimetric instrument to measure the metabolic response in biological systems is available as a demo in BIC laboratory till the middle of May 2023. If you are interested to try the device utility in your research, please, contact us via e-mail at bic@ceitec.cz
Workshop: Novel Drug Discovery & Delivery systems
29. 3. 2023
On 24th May 2023, in collaboration with ANAMET s.r.o., we organize a one-day workshop focused on instruments by Malvern Panalytical for the characterization of biomolecules. The lectures will focus mainly on applications for drug discovery but may be interesting for all scientists working with proteins, nucleic acids, or nanoparticles. See more details in the flyer. For registration, click HERE.
Crystallography loops: Handling and Maintenance
6. 2. 2023
On 17th February 2023, we organize a mini-workshop focused on crystallography loops. If you want to learn more about how to choose the suitable loop for your crystals, and how to clean them and keep them functional, you can join us for this short hands-on event. See more details HERE.

New Superdex column for OmniSEC
13. 1. 2023
We have acquired a new column for the SEC-LS system OmniSEC. Superdex 75 Increase 10/300 GL column is suitable for particles of up to 70 kDa and as such will be great for the analysis of small molecules and their complexes that were not compatible with the current silica-based column. The column shall be available for users' experiments from the end of January.
on April 2023
CalScreener workshop
10. 1. 2023
On 12th -13th April 2023, in collaboration with Specion s.r.o., we organize a two-day workshop focused on the introduction of CalScreener (Symcel) - a calorimetric instrument to measure the metabolic response in biological systems. The presentation given by Symcel specialist will be followed by the instrument demo with the possibility to measure your own samples. For more information, check the flyer or contact us directly.
Registration HERE.
X-ray and Bio-SAXS CF becomes part of CF BIC
17. 12. 2022
Dear users,
from 1st January 2023, the X-ray and Bio-SAXS CF becomes part of CF BIC. The protein diffractometer and Bio-SAXS including all services will be available under the CF BIC umbrella offering thus the full crystallography pipeline. The instruments stay in their current location in the C12 building. As a result, the name of CF BIC changes to Biomolecular Interactions and Crystallography.
We are looking forward to help you with your structure-oriented projects.
Cleaning in CF BIC laboratories
25. 11. 2022
Dear users,
please, check all your articles stored in CF BIC laboratories, especially in refrigerators, and remove everything you would like to maintain till Fri December 9. Laboratories will be carefully cleaned during the week of December 12 - 16, old samples will be disposed of.
Thank you for your cooperation
Operation of CF BIC during winter 2022/2023
25. 11. 2022
Due to the reduced number of CF staff on site at the end of the year, there will be limited availability of BIC services (AUC, ITC, crystallization) including trainings of new users. Please, contact the responsible person well in advance.
Instruments in user mode shall be available for trained users until 19.12.2022.
See the table below for more details.
In case of any questions, contact us via email (bic@ceitec.cz).
Interview with CF Head
7. 11. 2022
Why is it important to study biomolecular interactions and what other benefits has CF BIC for its users? Read the interview with the new head of CF, Josef Houser HERE.
Limited opening of CF BIC
26. 10. 2022
Dear Users,
due to the workshop and conference attendance of CF BIC members, we have to announce some limitations in services and laboratories opening.
- November 8th - 9th: services limited, laboratories open
- November 14th: services limited, laboratories open
- November 15th - 16th: laboratories completely closed
In the case of a serious problem with those limitations, please contact our core facility.
Thank you for understanding
Cell sorter CytoFLEX installed
24. 10. 2022
Today, we have installed CytoFLEX SRT, a benchtop cell sorter with excellent optical sensitivity, automated quality control, and instrument setup workflows. After the testing of the operation methods and thorough training of CF BIC staff, the measurement will become available to our users.
For more details on instrument usage, please contact our core facility.
AUC Optima installed
20. 10. 2022
Dear users,
the new analytical ultracentrifuge is available in CF BIC. The 8-hole rotor enables measurement of up to 7 samples in one run. The device is equipped with an absorbance and interference detection system. The absorbance module enables precise analysis of complex systems at discrete wavelengths (up to 20) in minimal time. The machine will be operated in service mode.
For more details on instrument usage, please contact Monika Kubíčková.
SPR instrument Biacore S200 installed
16. 9. 2022
This week, we installed a new SPR machine. Biacore S200 (by Cytiva) is the top-level four-channel biosensor with higher sensitivity compared to the current T200 machine allowing for analysis of the smallest molecules as well as hard-to-obtain ligands. The machine, which is equipped with newly developed operation and data analysis software, will be operated in user mode.
For more details on instrument usage, please contact Josef Houser.
SPR instrument Alto - demo
26. - 28. 7. 2022
SPR instrument ALTO from Nicoya will be available in CF BIC laboratory as a demo. There shall be a possibility to discuss the instrument features in more detail with a company representative on Tue 26th afternoon.
If you are interested in meeting Alto more closely, please, let us know at bic@ceitec.cz
New CF BIC head
From the 1st July 2022, Josef Houser has been installed as a new CF head. Michaela Wimmerová stays in the CF as an advisor and mentor.
Long-term demo of Imaging System Odyssey M
Dear Users,
The Odyssey M as a long-term demo is available in our laboratory. It fills the role of a Western blot imager, plate reader, slide scanner, fluorescence, and luminescence imager. Perform membrane-, plate-, gel-, and slide-based assays–all on one system. Resolution up to 5 µm. More details about the system can be found on the web page.
Ask for the initial training via the booking system.
New CF BIC video on YouTube
1. 3. 2022
Are you new to the field of biomacromolecules? Do you want to find more about what is the mission of CF BIC in the world of science? A short video for a broad audience was made to introduce our aims and abilities. Chech the CEITEC YouTube channel for more information on what is going on in the Core Facilities and Research.
NanoTemper Workshop:
Measure binding affinities and characterize your protein with NanoTemper Technologies
14. - 15. 3. 2022
Dear users,
CF BIC and NanoTemper are organizing the workshop on the field of protein characterization and biophysical measurements, namely nanoDSF, DLS and MST. Monolith X system and PR.Panta instruments will be available for hands-on session. Detailed information with workshop program is available HERE.
Registration for free via e-mail bic@ceitec.czC
Methods for Characterization of Biomolecular Interactions: Classical versus modern
1. - 2. 2. 2022
Dear users,
we are organising workshop, which should be attended by structural biologists and biochemists who want to improve their knowledge of current methods for characterisation of interactions between biomacromolecules and their ligands including proteins, nucleic acids as well as small molecules. Workshop consists of 2 days of Lectures given by Biomolecular Interactions and Crystallization Core Facility staff. It is open to anyone upon
registration via e-mail bic@ceitec.cz
Please, see more information on the flyer.
Christmas Hollidays
22. 12. 2021 - 3. 1. 2022
CF BIC will be completely closed during the Christmas holidays from Dec 22 till Jan 3, 2022. Access to the laboratory from Dec 20 till Dec 21 will be possible for techniques in user mode after the previous agreement with the CF BIC responsible person.
Thank you for understanding and we wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Cleaning in CF BIC laboratories
12. - 17. 12. 2021
Dear users,
please, check all your articles stored in CF BIC laboratories, especially in refrigerators, and remove everything you would like to maintain till Fri December 10. Laboratories will be carefully cleaned during the week of December 12 - 17, old samples will be disposed of.
Thank you for your cooperation
Limited access to the CF BIC laboratories
30. 11. 2021
Dear CF BIC users,
due to the attendance of CF BIC members on Jaroslav Koča Memorial Colloquium on Computational and Structural Biology, the measurements and services will be limited on Tuesday, November 31st.
Thank you for understanding.
AQS3pro Microfluidic Modulation Spectroscopy
9. 11. 2021
The first lecture "An introduction to MMS" is opened up to the capacity of room C04/1S57, Tuesday, Nov 9th from 9:00.
The AQS3pro is a spectroscopic secondary structure analysis tool for protein characterization. The technology is designed for five key measurements—protein aggregation, quantitation, stability, similarity, and structure. The demo will be available on the 9 - 11 of November 2021. In case of interest, please, contact Monika Kubíčková.
CF Day Meeting
21. 10. 2021
Join us during CF Day, where all eleven CEITEC MU Core Facilities will be presented. CF BIC is scheduled at 10 a. m. Registration on-site till October 5th, on-line still open. More information HERE.
Closure of CF BIC laboratories
14. 9. 2021
Due to the shooting of CF BIC presentation movie, no measurement will be possible on the 14th of September 2021. We apologize for any inconvenience.
CF BIC member in the management of ARBRE
1. 7. 2021
Our member Josef Houser was elected to the Board of Directors of the Association of Resources for Biophysical Research in Europe (ARBRE). The association stimulates collaboration and sharing of know-how between biophysical core facilities in order to offer high-quality services and develop the methodology. For more information, check the ARBRE websites.
Operation of CF BIC during summer 2021
29. 6. 2021
Access to all CF BIC services will be limited during the summer, machines in user mode shall be accessible as usual but with limited support on-site and reduced availability of training.
AUC and ITC services will not be available on August 16th - 31st
Crystallization and SEC-MALS services will be limited throughout summer
For further details, contact the CF responsible person directly or via bic@ceitec.cz.
Have a great summer!

Buffer screen article has been published
30. 5. 2021
In our facility, we have developed a 48-condition buffer screen for protein stability assessment. It is suitable for buffer optimization focusing on thermal stability (DSF), homogeneity (DLS), or activity (BLI, SPR) studies. The screen is available as ready-to-use solutions in a plate. Check out more in the published paper here.

Crystallization equipment transfer
18. 12. 2020
From Jan 2021, all the crystallization equipment of CF BIC is being transfered to C04 building (formerly A4) of the University campus Bohunice. Also new plate storages and imagers were installed. The crystallization services shall be available again from the end of January. For details, please contact CF BIC team.
New booking table
7. 12. 2020
New booking table has been released on December 7th. In the case of problems with the functionality, please, read the manual or contact us.
User meeting
We cordially invite you to join us for CF BIC User meeting on December 8th at 15 p.m. via MS Teams.
Please, fill in our QUESTIONNAIRE.

New OMNISEC GPC/SEC system was successfully instaled and is available in a service mode. For more details see the manufacturer page at https://www.malvernpanalytical.com/en/products/product-range/omnisec

Building renumbering
Please note that the buildings of the UKB (University campus Bohunice) have been renumbered. Our main location is now building C04 (formerly A4), the crystallization equipment is located in E35 (formerly A35).
Workshop Open SPR
Workshop Uncover your binding kinetics with Open SPR, formerlz planned for November 3rd 2020, had to be POSTPONED due to pandemic restrictions. New date will be anounced depending on the epidemic situation.
REGISTRATION will be available HERE.