Single crystal X-ray diffraction

Technology / Methodology:

CEITEC MU,  building C12, room 1.15

Research group:
CF: Core Facility Biomolecular Interaction and Crystallography


Rigaku OD (Oxford Diffraction) XtaLAB Synergy Custom with robotics ACTOR, set of instruments optimized for "home lab" diffraction experiments with single crystals of macromolecules : proteins, nucleic acids, etc. Single crystal X-ray diffraction is very powerful technique allowing to obtain 3D structure of molecules with atomic resolution. In standard experiment, X-rays are diffracted on single crystal of macromolecular sample. Set of diffraction images is recorded and used for structure determination. Obtained atomic models and electron density maps are used for unraveling the structural and functional properties of studied macromolecules, understanding mechanisms of action on atomic level and creating rational basis for further molecular design. The XtaLAB Synergy diffractometer configuration incorporates ACTOR robotics for automated routine crystal screening and unattended serial data collection for up to 50 frozen crystals.

Rigaku MicroMax-007HF - rotating anode generator of Cu Kα X-ray (λ=1.54 Å)

Rigaku VariMax VHF optics for intense monochromatic X-ray beam with adjustable divergence

4-circle kappa geometry goniometer

Available services:

PXD data collection

PXD basic/advanced structure solving

For more details, please contact responsible person:

Jaromír Marek

phone: +420 549 49 34 30
​office : 3.13/C02