Microscale Thermophoresis
Technology / Methodology:
Interactions and characterization of biomolecules
CEITEC MU, building C04, room 2.21
Research group:
CF: Core Facility Biomolecular Interaction and Crystallography
The Monolith systems measure equilibrium binding constants for a variety of molecules – thus allows to measure wide range of interactions from ion binding up to interactions of large complexes (liposomes and ribosomes).
Monolith is all about accurately determining binding affinity in minutes. The strength of the interactions between a fluorescently labeled sample and a binding partner (or ligand) are measured while a temperature gradient is applied (gray box) over time (left figure). From this, binding affinity (Kd) is automatically calculated from a fitted curve that plots normalized fluorescence against concentration of ligand (right figure).
Measurement on MST is supposed to be performed manually by user itself after training.
For more details, please contact responsible person:
Eva Paulenová
e-mail: eva.paulenova@ceitec.muni.cz
phone: +420 549 49 78 22
office: 3.37/C04
Josef Houser
e-mail: josef.houser@ceitec.cz
phone: +420 549 49 25 26
office : 3.39/C04