Dynamic Light scattering
Technology / Methodology:
Characterization of biomolecules
CEITEC MU, building C04, room 2.23
Research group:
CF: Core Facility Biomolecular Interaction and Crystallography
Dynamic light scattering is used for the analysis of protein solutions, aggregates, promiscuous inhibitors, buffers, nanoparticles, polymers or other products in solution. DLS system measures the polydispersity of the sample and hydrodynamic radii (size) of the particles within range of 0.4 to 5,000 nm. This is particularly beneficial in sample characterization prior to crystallization or other experiments.
Measurement of DLS is performed by users themselves after training.
For more details, please contact responsible person:
Josef Houser
e-mail: josef.houser@ceitec.cz
phone: +420 549 49 25 26
office : 3.39/C04