All users are required to acknowledge the BIC Core Facility if any data obtained in the Core Facility has been used in the publication (including support information). Please, use the wording according to the use of specific projects supporting your measurement.
Acknowledgment of the CIISB project
Preferred version:
„CIISB, Instruct-CZ Centre of Instruct-ERIC EU consortium, funded by MEYS CR infrastructure project LM2023042 and European Regional Development Fund-Project „Innovation of Czech Infrastructure for Integrative Structural Biology“ (No. CZ.02.01.01/00/23_015/0008175), is gratefully acknowledged for the financial support of the measurements at the CF Biomolecular Interactions and Crystallography.“
Short version:
„We acknowledge CF Biomolecular Interactions and Crystallography of CIISB, Instruct-CZ Centre, supported by MEYS CR (LM2023042) and European Regional Development Fund-Project „Innovation of Czech Infrastructure for Integrative Structural Biology“ (No. CZ.02.01.01/00/23_015/0008175).“
Acknowledgment of the Instruct-ERIC project
„This work benefited from access to the CEITEC MU CF Biomolecular Interactions and Crystallography, an Instruct-ERIC centre. Financial support was provided by (PID xxxx).“
Where xxxx stands for the proposal ID number of your project.
Acknowledgment with no project support
„Core Facility Biomolecular Interactions and Crystallography of CEITEC MU is gratefully acknowledged for the obtaining of the scientific data presented in this paper.“
Use of buffer screen
In case you have used the 48-condition buffer screen developed in CF BIC, please cite the following publication:
- Houser, J; Kosourova, J; Kubickova, M; Wimmerova, M: Development of 48-condition buffer screen for protein stability assessment. (2021) Eur Biophys J, 50 (3-4), 461-471. doi: 10.1007/s00249-021-01497-6
In case of creative input and/or substantial contribution from the CF staff to the publication (e.g. experiment design, data interpretation, preparation of images/texts for publication), co-authorship should be always discussed between the CF Head and the PI of the project.