NanoTemper Technologies Symposium & Workshop
5 - 6/6/2019
MicroScale Thermophoresis (MST) is a powerful technique to quantify biomolecular interactions. It is based on thermophoresis, the directed movement of molecules in a temperature gradient, which strongly depends on a variety of molecular properties such as size, charge, hydration shell or conformation.
During the 2-day workshop there will be a possibility to measure your own sample not only on Monolith (MST) but also on Prometheus (nanoDSF) and Tycho (protein quality).
PAWEL KANIA (NanoTemper Technologies)
MAŁGORZATA POCZOPKO (NanoTemper Technologies)
WHEN: June 5th – 6th 2019
WHERE: A35/211 (lectures), A4/218 (practicals)
For more information, please contact us at bic@ceitec.cz
Wednesday - 5th June 2019
08:30 Registration
09:00 Welcome (Michaela Wimmerová, CF BIC, CEITEC MU)
09:15 Introduction to NanoTemper Technologies solutions - When interactions matter
(Paweł Kania, NanoTemper Technologies)
09:45 When data quality matters - MST assay development and data analysis
(Małgorzata Poczopko, NanoTemper Technologies)
10:15 Coffee Break
10:45 User's presentation (Aistė Kasiliauskaitė , CEITEC MU)
11:15 When high resolution protein stability assessment matters.
(Paweł Kania, NanoTemper Technologies)
11:45 Lunch break (+ collective photo)
13:00 Discussion of user’s samples
13:30 Experimental work
18:00 Get together party
Thursday - 6th June 2019
09:00 User's presentation (Filip Melicher, CEITEC MU)
09:30 When protein sample quality matters. Tycho technology.
(Małgorzata Poczopko, NanoTemper Technologies)
10:00 Coffee break
10:30 User's presentation (Zuzana Trošanová, CEITEC MU)
11:00 User's presentation (Olga Nováková, The Institute of Biophysics in Brno)
11:30 Experimental work
13:00 Lunch break
14:00 Experimental work
16:00 Closing remark